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Hack Proofing

By: Ryan Russell Teri Bidwell Oliver Steudler

Security in the virtual world of the Internet is even more confusing than in the real world we inhabit. Buzzwords and marketing hype only serve to add to the puzzle.Vendors and free products abound, but according to the experts, the Internet world is becoming more dangerous every day. How can that be? How can all these solutions from so many directions not solve even the basic problems? The answer is not simple because the problems are so complex. Security is difficult to create and maintain. Security is messy.The problem is that the online world was built around a system of protocols and rules, but unfortunately, those rules are not always followed.The complexity of today’s computer systems and software applications often creates programs that act in a manner unforeseen by the Internet’s operational guidelines.Add to that scenario a few humans who insist on testing the rules and purposefully acting unexpectedly, and you have a huge potential for a rather large mess. Attaining and maintaining suitable levels o