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IssueWeb A Guide and Sourcebook for Researching Controversial Issues on the Web

By: Karen R. Diaz Nancy O’Hanlon

What student has graduated from col lege with out writing an opin ion or po - sition pa per? We dare to venture that the num ber is quite small. After all, opin ion papers are an av enue for teaching critical think ing skills. They can help stu dents understand whether their opin ion on a topic has a bias, is based on suf ficient in - formation, and falls within a continuum of widely held be liefs. It is a way for in - dividuals to be gin play ing lifelong val ues and be liefs off those of so ciety as a whole, to evaluate their own be liefs, and to de termine what roles they wish to play in society. However, to accomplish all these things, one mu...