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The original Web was funded by the government, limited to research and education. The Web sites were made up of a collection of documents written in the HTML language. The pages were text based, simple, and static. Every time the user reloaded a page in his or her browser, it looked exactly the same. It consisted of HTML text, images, and links. It was not the complex commercial Web we know today where you can do anything from online shopping, to trading stocks, booking vacations, or finding a mate. Static Web pages were useful for sending and retrieving reports, pictures, and articles, but they couldn’t manage data that changed, remember users’ names and preferences, instantly create customized output from a database, or embed streaming video into a page on the fly. As the Web grew and became a virtual shopping mall, competitors needed Web sites that would lure in potential buyers and traders with an interactive and exciting experience, quick response time, and on-the-fly feedback. They ne